03 Best Advertising Platforms To Target Mobile Users

According to a survey, on average, people spend around 5 to 6 hours of the day on their smartphones. And why not! Smartphones have made things easier for all of us. In fact, from making friends to going for a date, or shopping to studying online, we get all in one place. It is the reason why most of the people spent a lot of their time looking at the phones. 

When you analyze this deeply, you can see the building opportunity for digital markers in this growing scenario of increasing phone’s usage. How?

Let’s crack this nut, right here!

Suppose your targeted audience is going to work, and while travelling in the metro, he watched your display ad about the offer at lunch. Since the intent is so high, the chances are more than your viewer can convert into a visitor and then into the customer.

That is, if the advertiser uses mobile advertising as a medium to then, they can hit the right targeted audience through the right medium and at the right time. Correct?

This mind-blowing strategy must be practised by every marketer if he/she doesn’t want to keep their brand at stake. But do you know what is the mobile advertising platform and which of them are best?

No? Let’s dive into this article then.

What does the mobile-ad platform mean?

Mobile ad platforms are like the third party between the advertisers – who want to showcase their ad and the publisher – who gives space to the advertiser for placing and showing their ads on websites or mobile apps.

How to perform mobile advertisements?

There are some advertising platforms like Google, Bing, Facebook that help the marketers and advertisers by providing platforms through which they can handle all their advertisements on their own.

From selecting audiences to creating ads and paying money, these ad platforms serve everything that a digital advertiser needs to run ads. 

With this basic knowledge, let us find some of the best ad platforms for mobile.

Excellent mobile ad platforms

  • Google ads

Google is one of the most authentic platforms. Through its various advertising methods, such as search ads, display ads, shopping ads, and video ads, it caters advertisers to exhibit ads both on desktop and mobile.

But if you want to target people only through mobile phones, then select display ads of Google. It provides you with an option of device targeting from where you can select the mobile device to the target audience by showing ads on mobile phones only.

  • Facebook ads 

Facebook is one of the highly used social media platforms with a huge audience base. By running campaigns through Facebook ad managers, advertisers are granted to present their ads on Facebook.

To run Facebook ads on mobile phones, one has to choose an automatic placement option while setting the campaign for your brand. 

  • Bing ads

Bing is the world’s 2nd most popular search engine, powered by Microsoft. It has a different set of audience who are generally above 40 years and have premium income. 

By using the bing ad platform you can not only optimize to show your ads on mobile phones only but can also control location, language, and other different aspects.

Wrapping words

Today people spend more time on the phone than anywhere. While travelling to eating food, their eyes glued to the 6*4 inch screen of smartphones. Hence it has become one of the most suitable advertising platforms for marketers to display their products/services at any time.

Hope, this article helped you to understand why mobile advertising has become a buzz in the industry today and what are the right platforms for doing it. 

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